How I Started My Journey Of Future Income Building.

Josh Bruton
4 min readJan 26, 2021

Ever wanted to start or grow your business but don’t know how to?

Here’s my journey and how I’m doing it.

I have been putting off publishing for way too long, until I recently saw a video of Stephen Larsen speaking of the power of publishing and the need to start ASAP. Just like the old saying goes, “the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now”. If I don’t start now I’ll never be able to grow the tree, and I will never be able to reap the reward of any shade or a place to rest in.

My Story. I’m an Aussie boy, but the rest of my family were all born in South Africa. At the time of writing this I am just getting into marketing and taken some first steps towards the future way of building income. Many businesses have long since engaged the online format, and with the recent corona virus disruption to our lives, the format has been more accepted by the general public. Working from home is easy and practical. Businesses has realised the power of online marketing and it is changing the way we shop and buy. We are seeing fewer people walking in shops and more traffic online. Why wouldn’t we target areas where we know there is an increasing volume of activity? If it is an easier sale and there are more eyes on my product online then why wouldn’t I enter into this area. This is the question I had to ask myself when starting out. Where are the people that I want to sell to hanging out?

Why am I here and how did I get there?
I never want to have a full time job where someone else decides how much I work, when I work and how much I get paid. I have decided to do business online. It just seems logical.
The world of online business has always been an interest of mine, but knowing how to create, run or be a part of one, has been a struggle for me. Now I know there is a lot of coaching out there for that sort of stuff, but finding one that is good quality and where not every second word they say is a lie, can be tricky.

But then I found Click Funnels. Click Funnels offer a 2 week FREE trial which I took without blinking. You can get used to the software and start to get your head into the game of online marketing. The software is great, and the coaching from Russell Brunson and Steven Larson (+ more) is outstanding. About a week into my free trial I had an online chat with a Click Funnels representative who showed me more about them and how I can start doing the same thing. (So much easier than I thought!) He recommended me to the One Funnel Away challenge which is a 30 day challenge that if you follow you can have your very own funnel for whatever niche you are interested in, in just one month! The One Funnel Away challenge increased my understanding of key concepts of online marketing. How to build a great offer that no one will resist, drive traffic to get more customers, get more exposure, more sales and more revenue. I highly recommend this challenge to anyone who is looking to start or grow their business and especially those who want to get into the future way of making an income to support you and your family so you can live the life you want to.
Check out the challenge here:

For quite a while I didn’t know what to sell. I knew I wanted to go into the health industry, but that is so broad and still where do I start with that. I am very involved in sport, fitness and living a healthy lifestyle, so I decided to go with what I’m interested in. Sport has always been a big part of my life. Growing up playing cricket in the summer and hockey in the winter. I pursued hockey and still do to this day; playing at state and national level. Playing at higher levels has only increased my interest of health and especially in the area of sports performance. Experimenting with different meals, supplements, timing of eating pre and post training and matches.
The other part of performance is living a consistent healthy lifestyle. This is the base of your health and fitness, without it you cannot build your performance. Getting the right nutritional balance is vital in order to maintain and grow your fitness and performance. The one thing I kept coming back to is NeoLife. My family and I have been using NeoLife for as far back as I can remember, and well lets just say you can’t substitute quality.

If you’re interested in building a nutrition fed healthy lifestyle that puts you in front every morning, check out NeoLife here:

